Wait, don't go!

Hey I was doing pretty well there with the daily sketches thing wasn't I?


It's all good though! I've been working on some paid color work again through HiFi Design, which is just the bees knees. I still have to prove myself, and it's much like starting any kind of new job. In an effort to focus my efforts on my work I put the sketches aside to ensure I didn't blow this chance at the possibility of getting more work. It must have been effective, and although I've been battling a mean cold, I was still able to get everything in on time and they gave me a few more pages as well.

This is maybe the closest thing to stability that a freelancer, such as myself, can get and it's an opportunity that I plan on taking full advantage of. So, I need to do everything in my power to not blow this. If that means blowing my daily skecthes things, I think that's OK. Sketching in my free time doesn't help pay the bills, which is something I haven't been contributing to as much as I'd like.

At any rate, I'm very excited to be working with Brian Miller and everyone else at Hi Fi and I look forward to being pushed creatively and professionally. It's going to be a fun ride kids, so hold on tight!

One final thing; I've been battling a cold from Hell and am taking the day to re-coup and have my sketchbook right next to me. Infer what you will.


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