
Showing posts from October, 2012


Happy Halloween everybody. Don't let the Candy Demon rot your brain and teeth tonight!


Just mussin' round.

Peek-A-Boo Eye Lights

I've been reading through a bunch of art blogs lately and putting things to practice that i'm learning. Sam Nielson's  blog has been great. Those Avalanche guys alwasys give me inspiration. Time for some lunch and back to work!

Scary Naked Murderer Carrying Keys

Yesterdays randomly generated character. It's been a great way to dust the cobwebs. Feeling pretty good about the process. Now I just need to hop to color to see how the rest will pan out...

Messin' Round 10-3-12

An idea loosely following a random idea generator. It was: A scrawny, charming, guide who may or may not be an Elf. Playing in Painter XI. Oh, Painter. I love your brushes, but holy nuts I hate your buggy UI and slow speed. I hope to bring this to more of a finish someday, but for tonight I have to put it down.

Messin' Round and Hi-Fi Painting Stuff

I was wandering  the isles at Meijer this morning and saw the Spider-man Story-Book Collection and a book called 5-Minute Marvel Stories. Both which have paintings I did for Hi-Fi. I hadn't seen them since I worked on them and I honestly forget what's out and what isn't. Anyhoo, some personal Spidey for fun and a FEW images that I worked on in the books mentioned above. Hope you enjoy!