Nanovor: Prank Week and Hacked!
Nanovor Hacked!, and Prank Week are both now on shelves, and I have to say that they look GREAT! I put some of my favorites from Prank Week up. I did the drawing, inking and coloring in that one. There should be some from Hacked! buried in my gallery somewhere :) In my opinion the ones in Prank Week turned out much better. And to think, I did them only a few months after the Hacked! ones.
Both books I illustrated in a week, each. It was a crazy deadline that almost killed me, so in regards to the amount of time I had on them I'm still, overall, happy how they turned out. Far from perfect, but when you have that much work to do you just have to move on. If anything, it was a great exercise for not sweating the details....because there was no option to :)
At any rate, I hope you enjoy the pics I put up. If you have any young readers, pick the book up for them. It's only $8!!!
Spread the word my friends!
Here are the links:
That's all for now folks!
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